關於Lady Americana
關於Lady Americana

 Lady Americana美國萊儷絲名床於1982年創立,強調「新女性睡眠 」健康概念,以舒眠支撐結構為原創精神。睡眠不但能使身體機能徹底恢復,更是肌膚重新調整的黃金機會,讓愛美的女性「睡得健康、變得更美」。

經過科學認證,可提供優質睡眠品質及絕佳的舒適度,北美脊醫聯盟體系認證,能在睡眠時全身放鬆;也是全球國際權威醫學刊物《The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT)》發表論文及取得醫學資料的床墊品牌;擁有Visco Lumbar Support®(VLS)、Ameri-Spring®、Ameri-Guard®專利技術;美國「生理治療醫療報」醫學認可,成為美國時尚名媛選購的第一品牌。

自創立以來廣受各大連鎖酒店的青睞,其中包括Amway Grand Plaza Hotel、Chateau Chantal、Courtyard Marriott、Holiday Inn、JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts、Marriott、Mission point resort、Renaissance、Seward Windsong、Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge、The Henry、Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel、Westmark Hotels、奮起湖大飯店 Fenchihu Hotel中瑞吾居Centuray蘊泉庄Yun Estate Hotel探索集團Discovery綠舞觀光飯店Green Dance伊萬里民宿Minshuku坲卡夏莊園Focaccia Manor清境佛羅倫斯渡假山莊 Florence Resort Villa薩米亞克民宿Seminyak Villa法格斯-石光Frogs Cottage,在享受奢華品質的同時顯著提升睡眠品質,體驗更溫柔平靜的幸福感受。


Founded in 1982, Lady Americana has emphasized on healthy concept of “New women sleeping style” which original spirit is based on best sleeping support structure. A good sleeping is not only could entirely recover your body on physically, but also a perfect opportunity to adjust your state of skin. Make beauty women have healthy sleeping and beautiful life.

Lady Americana is the first choice mattress brand which could provide comfortable quality of sleeping and was certificated by The North American Federation of Chiropractic Networks, the only brand that issued a thesis on 《The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT)》, owned many patents of pocket spring, such as Visco Lumber Support®(VLS)、Ameri-Spring® and Ameri-Guard® and the medical post of physical treatment U.S.A of American fashion women.
Lady Americana's website:http://www.ladyamericana.com.my/html/technologies.html

The hotels that we have cooperated as below:Amway Grand Plaza Hotel、Chateau Chantal、Courtyard Marriott、Holiday Inn、JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts、Marriott、Mission point resort、Renaissance、Seward Windsong、Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge、The Henry、Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel、Westmark Hotels、Fenchihu hotel、Centuray 、Discovery、 Green Dance、Minshuku、Focaccia Manor 、Florence Hotel、Seminyak Villa、Frogs Cottage. Lady Americana has extraordinary quality more than customer exception and accordance with different body shape request. Make every customer feel much peace and soft experience.